Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Off with a hiss and a roar!

Both boys started school on Tuesday. It was a bit nerve wracking; you never know with Camo. He can fall apart when I say that I am leaving the house for a few hours on some errands. I guess though now that his 3rd grade friend lives across the street, all those nerves were a non-issue. He was over the moon to walk to bus stop with his mates. We are excited for 1st grade. Hoping that Ms. Bridge and Cameron will make a good team this year.

Oli, too, did amazing. I will say that I am OVER THE MOON that Oliver will be attending Marylhurst Preschool this place is amazing! I love the philosophy and the feeling you get when you walk into that school. I knew when I toured it, that it was what we wanted for Oliver. And today, I met the director Sheila, who, by the time I left, felt like was my new best friend.
As for the little Raccoon, well he was stellar. That mix of excitement and unfamiliarity tempered with confidence and a sense of adventure was priceless to get to witness. It is quite possible that we do underestimate him sometimes. Such a big boy now!

This Mama was happy because I got to share another German tradition with the boys. The tradition of Schultüten was shared with much excitement this morning! Although the tradition is generally saved for 1st grade, lil nipsy started today too, so Mama helped me put one together for him too. It was great to hear our own OPB feature a story on Schultüten! Love GSP, wish I could send the boys there.

For the OPB story on our German tradition, click here!

And here some pictures that reflect the jubilation of the day: